Dear Friend of PWC:
Since 2009, People Who Care has strived to create brighter futures for youth at risk due to poverty, trauma, or other circumstances in their lives impacting their ability to transition into adulthood successfully.
The long-term effects of childhood trauma can be devastating, causing mental health problems and difficulties in school, work, and relationships. For example, each year, hundreds of Contra Costa youth come into the juvenile criminal justice system. Reports indicate that 40 percent are more likely to be charged as adults for violent crimes and 33 percent more likely to become substance abusers. They are more likely to harm others, perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence.
But there is hope! Your support can provide the resources necessary to serve more children and youth, help them gain better access to mental health services and educational services, and live in safer environments. Ours is a unique and highly successful program. Still, we need your support to continue providing options for success by giving at-risk children and youth the education, training, and tools needed to become productive adults.
"Thanks to PWC, my son has managed to get out of his cave, also known as his bedroom, and to be a better son, brother, friend and better person. Every day he is happier with life and the things he does when he participates at PWC like community events, and outings to see new places. Being part of a group within PWC has helped him grow and be more outgoing. For my son, it helped him to talk to someone at PWC, outside of his family, to help him with any problems that he had at school or in life. I want to thank every person at PWC."
-PWC Client's Mom
Thank you for the difference that you are helping PWC make in the lives of the most vulnerable children and youth in East Contra Costa! On behalf of the PWC Board, staff, and all the families we serve, we extend our most heartfelt wishes to you and your family.
With Warmest Regards,
Dan Jones Connie Russell
Dan Jones Connie Russell
President, Board of Directors Executive Director
No goods or services will be exchanged for this gift, which is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. People Who Care Children Association EIN 16-1634099
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